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No Guarantee of New Posts this Week, but Maybe Something Else

It's a very hectic time for me right now.

1) It's Thanksgiving this week. That may not seem like much, but I have to prepare desserts for a Thanksgiving tomorrow and a Thanksgiving Thursday. My brother is most likely getting stuck in NYC on Thanksgiving Day, so we're having an early Thanksgiving for the family tomorrow. Then Thursday is the actual Thanksgiving with other family. Maybe I wouldn't be in such a mood over it if my pumpking pie actually set properly or the lemon merengue pie didn't turn into an oil slick. At least the pumpkin muffins turned out perfect: nicely domed, moist, and delicious.

2) I'm finally getting the sheet music for my next job. Sure, I would have greatly appreciated having the music more than 6 days before I have to show up to play for meetings, auditions, and rehearsals, but this is a school that faced massive changes by way of death, retirements, firings, and quittings in a very short period, so I can't hold a grudge. I can be mad that I was bumped from music director so a physics teacher could have that title, but I can't be mad over the music. They just finished their fall production yesterday and were stopped every step of the way by admins. Copying things for the musical was the least of their worries. Technically, I can't even enter the building during school hours until I'm fingerprinted on 3 December. Now that there's a new drama teacher, no one is trusted. That's why sets were still being painted Friday afternoon.

However, there are some interesting developments happening right now that are also eating into my time. Something good might come out of the Piranhas screening tomorrow night. We'll see. Knowing my luck, this will be the film (not The Road or Nine) that requires a signed NDA to get in, like box office dynamite Take the Lead and Reno 911!: Miami did in the past. Something better might come of a lead a parent gave me at the show Friday night. I'm not holding my breath on that one, but again, we'll see.

So, maybe that Precious review will overcome the obstacle of a weekend migraine and actually appear on this site this week somehow. I hope. Then again, it might slip away like Inglourious Basterds or Where the Wild Things Are.