Sketching Details

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What's Happening at Sketchy Details

Good things, people, not bad things. The seven day a week posting schedule was an interesting experiment. I cannot sustain it and continue with all of the conventions, media projects, and actual real world work. I'll be going back to a five day schedule starting today. What it also means is that I can post more content each day and have time to set up the larger projects and video/media content over the weekend.

I'm working on an overhaul of the YouTube page. I just redid all the thumbnails with new templates and put in some orders for intro animations for Sketchy Details @Home, Slipstream, and The Haunting Ground. Slipstream's is done: simple but effective. I'm working on new graphics and setting up show templates, so to speak, to add more consistency to the programming.

Take Out & Other Stories is available at Smashwords, as well as in the Kindle and Nook stores.

The Preston Files will return in January. I actually do need to build up a buffer just because my schedule can be so inconsistent. Those won't necessarily be the comics that go up each week, but they will be there if I need them.

There are more things in the works that I'm not ready to reveal yet. I am ready to draw your attention to the brand new Christmas Evil banner, inspired by the most heartwarming Christmas horror film ever created. It's a holiday classic for the ages.