High Tech Halloween on a Low Tech Budget (The Haunting Ground #6)
Last night was the debut of my new panel High Tech Halloween on a Low Tech Budget. It went really well. People slowly filed in and turned it into a fantastic discussion about various haunting techniques and philosophies. I filmed a few minutes before the panel, so that starting conversation was longer but the quality wasn't great. This is what I love about the haunting community. We love learning new things. We love helping each other. And we're not judgmental. I had to make that clear. I might haunt on a budget, but that doesn't mean I have a problem with people who have the resources to funnel $1000's into their haunt each year. There's no wrong way to haunt.
The big disappointment is that the panel actually continued about 15 minutes past the video ending time. My DSLR apparently only records video for 30 minutes at a time, so it cut off 30 minutes into the recording. We discussed weather, tombstones, and using online resources to trade/gift theme-specific props.