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Slipstream 4: Highlights from ConnectiCon '13

I have a lot of ConnectiCon 2013 coverage to put up on the site still. Everything got a little sidetracked with the demands of teaching a brand new show I had no knowledge of at the summer camp and I'm just catching up. To start off the second wave of ConnectiCon coverage, I put together Slipstream 4: Highlights from ConnectiCon '13. What better convention to cover for the first time on the pulp culture vlog than one that bills itself as a massively multi-genre convention? Watch the episode, then click through for behind the scenes gossip and some extra content that didn't make the cut.

  • The panel I couldn't get into was all about CreepyPasta characters. It was run by a fantastic panelist who also presented "When Otaku Attack: The Dark Side of Fandom."
  • There was another solid cosplay that I couldn't adequately describe and managed to lose the photo of. It was a crossplay Captain America with handmade chainmaille armor that just glowed on the show floor.
  • I would have entered the DDR tournament at ConnectiCon save for one thing: I literally broke my shoe warming up for the contest. I popped two fabric eyelets off of the shoe while playing and couldn't figure out why my shoe was coming off; I still full-comboed the song but did not PA (Perfect Attack) it. Next time.
  • I had a whole segment on OverClocked University's concert but it didn't really flow with the video. I'll embed the selection of their Ducktales performance below. It brought the house down.
  • I love my Futurama/Despicable Me mash-up t-shirt, but purchasing that meant stopping myself from purchasing two Doctor Who/Despicable Me mash-up t-shirts that came out this week. Too much crossover.
  • No, I haven't attached my blue warrior faun to its PVC body for Halloween yet. I'll get to it. Right now, it's set dressing.

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