Slipstream #9: NYCC Swag Giveaway — Sketching Details

Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Slipstream #9: NYCC Swag Giveaway

The new episode of Slipstream is a contest announcement, good people. I am giving away at least two large flat rate priority mail boxes of swag from NYCC and other conventions. I have signed books and convention exclusive merch. I have art, toys, games, clothing, posters, and convention exclusive material taking up way too much space in my house and I'd rather see it go to a loving home. Watch the video, then click through for all the contest details.

Three ways to enter:

  1. Comment on the YouTube video
  2. Tweet me @robertjgannon with the hashtag #NYCCswag
  3. Comment on the Slipstream #9 Facebook post at

Enter one way, enter all the ways, it doesn't matter. At least two boxes are being given away. If a lot of people enter, I might do three or more.

Winners will be pulled using Winners will be announced at the end of Slipstream #10.

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