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The Great American Comic Book Musical @ ConnectiCon

2 of my panel pitches were selected for ConnectiCon 2015 in Hartford, CT from July 9-12. I already discussed the animated horror panel, so let's discuss the exact opposite. The Great American Comic Book Musical is an all ages panel about the comics adapted into musicals and musicals pulling from the language of comic books. Here's the official description:

While comics might seem like an odd inspiration for musical theater, composers have repeatedly turned to that medium to inspire new works. Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark is only one of the more recent attempts. It seems everyone from Little Orphan Annie to Superman to Doonesbury has hit Broadway with song and dance spins on popular American comic books and comic strips. Some creators are even using comic book structure and character types to create original works for the stage. This panel looks at the history of the comic book musical, complete with actual songs and performance footage, and where this quickly expanding genre might go in the future.

The Great American Comic Book Musical is currently scheduled for Panel 1 (600 seats! I thought 450 for my horror panel was a lot) on July 12 at 9AM. Bring the kids. It'll be fun.