The Lego Movie Blu-ray Giveaway Winner!
I just punched the entries into and I'm happy to announce that GreySkye is the winner. GreySkye, I need you to shoot me a message at with your name, shipping address, and e-mail so you can get your prize straight from the company. Thanks to everyone who entered and remember: everything is awesome!
The original list and randomized list below the jump.
The original entries:
Callipipper (disqus) greyskye (disqus) Natalie y (disqus) callipipper (twitter) greydancer (twitter) memoryanddream (twitter) willg(twitter) miss-m (facebook) mia (facebook) anita (facebook) jessica (facebook)
The randomized list:
greyskye (disqus) Callipipper (disqus) callipipper (twitter) Natalie y (disqus) miss-m (facebook) greydancer (twitter) willg(twitter) jessica (facebook) anita (facebook) mia (facebook) memoryanddream (twitter)