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The Lego Movie Blu-ray Giveaway

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, geeks of all ages, I bring you the official Everything is Awesome The Lego Movie Blu-ray Giveaway at Sketchy Details. That's right. Sketchy Details has partnered with the WB through PartnersHub to run a contest. The Lego Movie is still at the top of my best films of 2014 list so far for being so gosh darn funny, smart, and adorable. Now you have a chance to win your own copy of the shiny new Blu-ray that just came out this past Tuesday. It's running like The Purge giveaway last summer. Leave a comment (using Disqus) below to enter. Or tweet @robertjgannon with the hashtag #TheLegoMovie to enter. Or leave a comment on the Sketchy Details Facebook page that will clearly state "Enter The Lego Movie Blu-ray Giveaway" as the title. That's it. You can do one, two, or all three.

You have until Wednesday, June 25th to enter. I'll put all the entries in a file and pull the winner. You must be in the United States or Canada to enter.

I've left the official app for the movie release below the jump. You get to make 6 second Lego movies that get uploaded to the official The Lego Movie YouTube page. It's fun. Mine's embedded at the bottom of the post.