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Sketchy Recs: What to Do This Weekend: 2-4 October 2009

Join: The Horror Board October Movie Challenge - Come on, it's fun to see 31 horror films in a month. Tis the season, after all.

Enter: The Horror Board Short Story Contest - I'm running it now and offering fabulous prizes each month. The inaugural October Challenge features the Open Division (any horror story you wrote, no holds barred) and the Challenge Division (flash horror fiction under 1000 words connected to any aspect of "dark" you can think of). Submissions due by 10 October at 11:59 PM EST.

See: Capitalism: A Love Story - If there's one thing about Micheal Moore you can count on, it's that his documentaries aren't boring. Does he embellish facts and use sensationalism and tricks that would make PT Barnum call him out for going too far? Yes. But he at least helps open up a dialog on topics that America doesn't always care to discuss. I can't wait to recommend the pro and anti-Capitalism: A Love Story websites that are launched by the end of the day.

ALTERNATE: Whip It - I'm just saying, Drew Barrymore is a Hollywood legacy and this comedy has just as good a chance as any to sneak into the ten Best Picture nominees on the collective goodwill of the cast and crew. Page has to be close to a lock for Actress in a Comedy at the Golden Globes, as well. Less likely to disappoint than Zombieland, as well.

Read: Dark Water by Koji Suzuki - It's hard to find a great cohesive collection of horror short stories. This is one of them. It's perfect fall reading and great inspiration for Halloween decorations.

Watch: The Cleveland Show - I don't care what Pajiba's sarcastic rant said, this one's got potential. There is some clever wordplay in the pilot and I'm pretty sure MacFarlane is focusing on Family Guy still. Just look at American Dad after season 1: MacFarlane primarily acted and the show turned to greatness. Expect the same on The Cleveland Show.

Have a great fall weekend. To my fellow North Easterners, enjoy the changing leaves.