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The Link Rally: 1 February 2012

It's a blood bath at X-Factor. The host and the two lady judges are officially fired. I only weep for Paula Abdul. Vote for the Worst I mentioned it on Twitter, but it's worth celebrating. Taylor Swift will not be playing the key role of Eponine in Les Miserables. Cinema Blend

Did you know the top Tupperware salesperson in North America is a drag queen from NYC? Yahoo! Business

Meet Aunt Barbara

What's the best way to pay tribute to Sandra Lee (besides getting drunk)? Compile the best of the best snarky reviews of her recipes. Food Network Humor

Seth Rudetsky details the creation and mounting of his Disaster! musical, a musical parody of the 1970s star-studded disaster films. Playbill

God hates figs. Angry Black Lady Chronicles

Finally, piggy-backing on my Original Song at the Oscars rant, here's the full length Zooey Deschanel track that didn't get nominated from Winnie the Pooh. It's like, you can't nominate Randy Newman for doing variations of this same kind of song just because he's Randy Newman if no one else can get nominated for the genre.