Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Link Rally: 13 December 2011

Did you know Ice Cube was an architecture and drafting student? Here he is gushing about Charles and Ray Eames. Dude Craft

Sad news. Nintendo developing legend Shigero Miyamoto is stepping down from big budget games. Great news: he's transitioning to smaller, faster to develop games to take a break from 5 year development cycles. Nerdist

Good news, book fans. Physical book sales are up even with the omnipresent advertising for Nook Tablet and Kindle Fire. New York Times

Stuck on holiday gifts? The New York Times released their best books of 2011 and 100 notable books list. Something for everyone. I guess I have a date with Stephen King again. Best Books Notable Books

Speaking of lists, Cinemablend discusses the Hollywood Black List. That's the list of the most popular unproduced screenplays circling Hollywood studios right now. Cinemablend Full List

Finally, as more proof that Broadway don't care for country/folk music, here's the best song from Frank Wildhorn's Bonnie & Clyde. Spoiler: it's a jug and washtub bass from going down at the local hoedown.

Play It: Words and Physics

Coming Soon: The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
