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The Link Rally: 21 February 2012

  • Its so sad to see even the professional librettists have been beaten down to believe the book of a musical is to be seen but not heard. Playbill
  • Fun facts about Rocky Horror Picture Show, including how blunt Patricia Quinn is when the cameras aren't rolling. Pajiba
  • Every Friday at the sports camp I taught music/drama at (don't ask, I was lied to about the position) for two years (and desperate for money), the Ice Cream Lady came to torment the entire staff. When she peeled off and ignored the kids who were late, it was always worth a laugh. Whomp!
  • Painfully beautiful Disney cakes. Peter Pan never gets its proper respect. Cake Wrecks

  • I can't say I agree with Sean O'Connell's analysis of Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. Except for where he admits Thomas Horn is great in the film. Cinema Blend
  • Speaking of Oscar bait, here's that Los Angeles Times article about the study into the diversity of the Academy Awards voters. I want to address why criticizing the Academy for this isn't the way to go about changing anything, but I can't get myself moving on that topic yet. Los Angeles Times

Finally, I can't not share a video this funny from the cast of Community. Cue Alison Brie breakdancing.