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The Link Rally: 23 January 2012

Writing rules to live by: stop double spacing edition. Slate Joanna Robinson at Pajiba pointed this link out last week. It's still worth sharing. Look at these gorgeous photos from the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. Boston Globe

Twilight: The Musical is real. Thank goodness its satire. Doesn't make it any good, though. Broadway World

So that's how they plan on making a film about a man standing on a ledge a feature. Cinema Blend

If Stephen Colbert can run for President of the United States of South Carolina, why can't Paula Deen jump in the race, too? Food Network Humor

Finally, this violinist's technique for shaming a ringing cellphone user is far more efficient than my throw them out of the auditorium method but not as entertaining as Patti Lupone's "Stop the show, I want to tell them off" method.