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Call to Vote: MyndJack Radio Idol Finale

UPDATES: The final 3 is a final 2. Frauletta, unfortunately, had to drop it. It's Jazzy versus OtherRobert (me) for the crown. Here's the voting link. #1 votes for OtherRobert appreciated. I encourage you to listen to the show (starts 30 minutes in) to give us both a fair shot. And somebody told me you can vote twice if you have a mobile data plan on your smart phone: once on your computer, once on your smartphone. Not that I advocate voter fraud...

It's finally here. The finale performance show for MyndJack Radio Idol is here and it's going to be an experience. Each of the final 3...

Hang on, final 3? Wasn't that last week?

Yes it was. On Thursday night, it was revealed that Jazzy, Frauletta, and myself, OtherRobert, would all be advancing to the final week. We each recorded three songs for tonight and will be competing for the crown of MyndJack Radio Idol one last time. On Thursday night, one of us will be eliminated right away so we have a clear final 2.

As I was saying, the competition is stiff and I can really use your support tonight.

Here's how it's going to break down. Each of us was given a producer's pick that we had to sing. Then, we had to chose an encore performance from earlier this season. It could be the audio exactly as it was played during the original performance episode, or some kind of alteration/remix to jazz it up for the finale. I remixed one of the performances I didn't get to mix the first time around so you can actually hear the lyrics. Our final performances are our coronation anthems. These could be any song we wanted, but ideally they take on the role of those terrible and uber-cheesy American Idol rainbow and unicorn finale songs.

The show goes live tonight at 9PM EST on the All Digital Radio Network. You can use their player, or try Shoutcast (bottom link) or iTunes (radio-->talk/news-->All Digital Radio) to listen live. The podcast is also available starting around 15 minutes after the show ends. At the end of the program, the voting information is released.

I can really use your help tonight to win. I encourage you to listen and vote so you can actually rank the contestants. I wouldn't want to win just because you clicked #1 for me and left the other two with the worst possible score. We've all worked so hard to get here and any of us would be a great season 4 winner. I just hope it's me.

I'll update after the show with all the voting info and podcast downloads. Share the info with your friends. Let's make the MJRI4 Finale the highest ranked episode of the season.