Congrats to the 10 new vloggers for Geek & Sundry Vlogs. Quite a few of my favorite entrants (Wargamer Girl! Retro Gamer! Cameras! Mythology! Budget Geeks! Sociology of Geekery!) from the jump were selected for the channel and I'm excited for all of them. Shame no genre geeks made it in (ahem).
Speaking of genre geeks, I have three videos for Slipstream: The Pulp Culture Vlog recorded that I just need to beat into a watchable form. The show will return with episodes every other week split up with haunt and art videos starting this month. I have a very geeky video on typography as form and narrative in genre literature, as well as videos inspired by ConnectiCon 2013 and Eastern State Penitentiary coming down the pike. I'm very excited for where the show is going.
Here's the announcement video from VidCon this weekend that shows a lot of audition footage and gives you a taste of what these geeks can do.