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News from Sketchy Details and Best of March 2013

I did not realize it was going to be April Fool's Day when I planned this post. I really just wanted to start with a fresh month and go from there. There are going to be some exciting changes at Sketchy Details as we work our way toward summer blockbuster/filler TV/open all the plays on Broadway season.

The first one is already in effect and you didn't even know it. As of April 1, 2013, Sketchy Details is switching to a daily posting schedule. That means new content every day on the site. I would have begun last week and announced the change today if it wasn't for Easter weekend and family obligations. You'll still get long in depth posts throughout the week, but there will also be some days with shorter media-driven content.

This brings us nicely to the second change. Sketchy Comics will be coming back to the site. I'm figuring out some format issues and which series will lead the way, but there will be original comic art coming back. One series will be a new stab at The Week in Media concept through the lens of Food Don't Go Stale in Space. It's called The Preston Files and it is much looser in format than either previous series. Another series will tentatively start in May and be completely different from anything I've shared here before. Which series is the only question.

That new series is getting a nice lead in considering its content from a theme month for April. Spring began a few days ago and I want to spring forward with a month of suspense. Spring Into Suspense will see a new post go up every day dedicated to suspense in film, television, fiction, gaming, art, theater, and any other media I can justify under that umbrella. I'll be putting up a dedicated page to chronicle it all later today after I get the first post ready. I hope to do more theme months so I can bring more original content to you. I'm pretty sure the bad pun AniMAY will happen next month.

The social networking links are the same as always. Follow my Twitter and like my Facebook page for the latest updates. I'm waiting to hear back from various conventions on press passes that would let me do more live event coverage which would include high quality video. It's all happening so fast. I'm very excited.

March was light on content due to the all-consuming process of going into tech/dress on a musical production. I'm still really fond of a few of the posts. Some highlights from last month.