Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Taboo Returns to London

Seeing Taboo was one of those theater experiences I will never forget. Though the crowd was already dwindling by the time I caught it, the attendees were very enthusiastic. Taboo is a show that has a strong identity and will attract the audience that wants to see it. This is not a big commercial property unless you can travel back in time and stage it when Boy George was the hot new thing in the music industry. Taboo in LondonPlaybill reports that a new production of Taboo, the story of Boy George's rise to fame out of the London club scene, will play a limited run this fall in London. From 7 September to 23 December, you have a chance to see Taboo as it was originally written. This production will use the original book--not the Charles Busch revisions--as well as Boy George's fantastic orchestrations. Christopher Renshaw also returns as director.

Even better is the size of the venue. The Brixton Club House is a small nightclub. The total capacity is limited to 1050 people and the largest room only holds 400.

Taboo is a musical about the 1980s British club kids. A small club is the perfect venue. The audience will feel like they're part of the action and Renshaw could easily incorporate some more interactive elements if he wanted to. With a small crowd in a small venue, you can have a lot more fun.

Now will someone please do the same thing with a small NYC club? Make it an event with pre-show music and it could be a successful short run this time around.

Thoughts on Taboo? I remember it being quite polarizing in NYC. Sound off below.

RIP Ray Bradbury (1920-2012)

Film Review: The Screen at Kamchanod (2007)
