Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Face Off 5.03: Mother Goose and All Her Friends

Face Off 5.03: Insidious ChallengeOn season 5, episode 3 of Face Off, the 14 remaining makeup artists had two challenges that couldn't be further apart from each other. I already covered the Foundation Challenge earlier today with the new episode of Sketchy Details @Home. In short, the contestants had to make original demons inspired by Insidious: Chapter 2, including a gender flip from male model to female demon. The Spotlight Challenge was a new spin on one of the show's mainstays: design makeup that won't make children run away screaming. The contestants had to pair up and choose a Mother Goose nursery rhyme to bring to life. The result was supposed to be whimsical, not terrifying, and almost everyone had to redo their design after meeting with Michael and Mackenzie Westmore in the workroom. Worst of all, it would be a double elimination and the worst pair would go home.

This season, thanks to the veterans versus rookies twist, has a lot more horror-friendly artists than usual. Frank, Tate, Alana, Roy, and Laura all excel at darker makeup challenges. That's not even counting the rookies who mostly cite iconic horror films as their point of inspiration or describe their style as dark, creepy, or scary. This group doing cute makeup could have been a disaster.

It really wasn't. The designs weren't very cute, but most of them were whimsical and that was the challenge. I actually really disagreed with the judging this time around so we'll look at all the top and bottom looks this week.

Alana and Laney teamed up for This Little Piggy and created a very bizarre makeup. I liked it. It was just really strange. Their risque little piggy--with a big curly white wig and exposed six-cup bra--was really well made. It also had a really dark edge. The pig was wearing a bow and handkerchief made out of bacon. Alana and Laney spent the whole episode discussing how their pig was a psychotic, vengeful character and the judges cooed about how cute and funny it was. Whatever floats your boat.

Face Off 5.03: Alana and Laney: This Little Piggy

Adolfo and Lyma put together a stunning makeup for Humpty Dumpty. Their inspiration was Lady Gaga and it really came through. Lyma did not alter her painting style one bit for the challenge and suddenly the judges loved what she did. Glen made a comment about stencil placement that wasn't off--she was rushed, so she didn't break up the pattern for the grain on the eggshell as much as she could have. I was shocked when this makeup didn't win. It was whimsicle, clever, and redefined the Mother Goose nursery rhyme character.

Face Off 5.03: Adolfo and Lyma: Humpty Dumpty

The winning team was Miranda and Tate for Peter Pumpkin Eater. I really thought they were going to be on the bottom. This character was Grotesque (literary style) and kind of scared me. Miranda's sculpt looked much better after she broadened the smile in the workroom (it was straight up slasher material before that), but the paint job darkened it up so much that it felt demonic. The branches sticking out of the back and the dark brown clothing did not help matters. Miranda won for her face sculpt (I guess they ignored the paint job).

Face Off 5.03: Miranda and Tate: Peter Pumpkin Eater

Frank and Laura saw themselves in the bottom looks for their Little Miss Muffet character. I was shocked. I thought they were a top look and would probably win. It was such an expansive makeup with so much detail in the sculpt and painting. I thought the spider was adorable, not creepy as Ve suggested, and the entire concept was cute. They took Michael Westmore's advice to start in a very light tone for the face and chest and then blend out to more natural spider colors and the judges hated that decision. I thought it was the most whimsical design on the stage.

Face Off 5.03: Frank and Laura: Little Miss Muffet

The judges and I really saw eye to eye on Eric Z. and Rick's Crooked Sixpence design. This was a horror makeup. There was nothing whimsical or fun about this poor man contorted in a permanent mask of pain. You could almost forgive them for going so dark if they actually did a good makeup; they didn't. The anatomy made no sense and their choice to hide a bent arm under a chest piece made it look like the Crooked Alien.

Face Off 5.03: Eric Z. and Rick: The Crooked Sixpence

I have no complaints with sending both of them home. I was skeptical of Eric Z.'s abilities last season and shocked that he won the Redemption web series to get back into the game this season. Rick's best makeup was in the Foundation Challenges and he couldn't even pull off a win doing what he does best.

All show images came from the Face Off galleries at SyFy's website. Check them out.

What did you think of the challenge? Share your thoughts below.

The World's End Review (Film, 2013)

Sketchy Details @Home 3: Something Insidious
