Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

What You Missed: RuPaul's Drag Race: Season 3, Ep. 8-9

In episode 8, the girls were challenged to wear their funniest drag outfits and do stand-up for a live audience. Raja got the challenge and should have won for writing an original stand-up act (unlike Shangela who won with a bunch of tired prostitution jokes).

Raja's Carrie Routine Slayed

Manila did not.

Manila's Tired Sesame Street

Shangela won for doing a bunch of tired prostitution jokes, while Delta went home for failing to live up to expectations as a queen. You can't come into this contest as the well known drag club emcee with a wicked wit and do a sadsack comedy routine. You just can't. And thus ends the legacy of the season of big girls, not with a bang, but an airbrushed whimper.

Delta Doesn't Work

However, any episode that gives us Yara acting like a maniac, running on her knees pretending to be a little person, is a great episode.

In episode 9, Ru got to live out her Wonder Woman fantasies defending herself against a barrage of imaginary bullets from Manila's entry in the bra couture challenge.

ATTACK!Not a chance

The main challenge was a thing of beauty. The girls had to create PSAs for the troops overseas. What we got was a flurry of sparkling red, white, and blue spandex that must be seen to be believed.

Alexis won with a bizarre and campy take on Americana, complete with a shout out to her down-low military boyfriend.

Yara was called out for being absolutely insane. This is what they have praised about her every week and now it's a problem? They hated her PSA,

they compared the national dance costume of Puerto Rico to a snuggie,

Yara Baile!

and they hated her one piece patriotic surprise.

Yara Baile!

In the greatest act of foresight I've ever seen on the show, RuPaul had the bottom two queens--Yara and Carmen--lipsync to the Spanish version of Tony Basil's "Mickey." It's as magical as it sounds.

And in her greatest act of producer-created manipulation, RuPaul doesn't send either girl home. I smell a double elimination of Carmen and one other queen next week, as she has been clinging to this contest by the tips of her fake nails.

Remembering Hugh Martin

Cannonball Read III, Book 4: My Work Is Not Yet Done by Thomas Ligotti
