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Midnight Rec: Cake Wrecks

Greetings from the frozen mountains of southern NY State. I just finished decorating my brother's yard, though there was only so much I could do to salvage his atrocious lighting job. It's far too cold for me to be out there stealing someone's ladder to make them hang straight and parallel to each other, not to mention attach something so the windows aren't lit like this: _ U Catch my drift? If there was a blog about holiday decorating disasters, I would nominate his yard and set the intervention date by when it inevitably was blogged on. Midnight Rec: Cake Wrecks For all seven people in the US who don't know this site already, this goes out to you. Cake Wrecks is an incredibly funny blog on a topic that should be a total disaster. Who wants to read about really, really awful professional cakes? All doubt disappears once you begin to read the commentary from blogger Jen. Her dry, witty commentary makes a daily visit to the site not only a treat, but a necessity. I can't fault a blogger for having a cause. I'm trying to be less vocal on my blogs about my anti-Sandra Lee campaign and my pro-Tyra Banks insanity policy. I don't even go into my desire for a 24 hour Janice Dickinson highlights channel for eternal viewing pleasure. Jen, however, is not afraid to name her nemesis: the dreaded CCC: Cupcake Cakes. She hates 'em. Don't believe me? Fine. Here's the openning to her wonderful manifesto against these monstrosities:

I've recently been accused of hatin' on the cupcake cakes. Alright, you got me: I guess I can't hide the truth any longer, and it's time for me to come clean. [sigh] Ok, here goes: Hi, my name is Jen, and I hate cupcake cakes. Why? 'Cuz they're ugly.

I'll toss in so covered in icing I'd get a migraine from standing in the same room as one. Not all great writing needs to be serious. Cakewrecks is comedy pulled from tragedy. And anyone can submit. Birthday cake got you down? Wedding cake delivered collapsed like nothing was wrong? Or someone else thought it was a good idea to eat a naked baby/naked pregnant lady/dog? Shoot her an e-mail with the photo attached, but follow the guidelines.